1. pitch - noun
· the property of sound that varies with variation in the frequency of vibration
Hypernym(s): sound_property
2. pitch - noun
· (baseball) the act of throwing a baseball by a pitcher to a batter
Synonym(s): delivery
Hypernym(s): throw
3. pitch - noun
· a vendor's position (especially on the sidewalk); "he was employed to see that his paper's news pitches were not trespassed upon by rival vendors"
4. pitch - noun
· promotion by means of an argument and demonstration
Synonym(s): sales_talk, sales_pitch
Hypernym(s): promotion, promo, publicity, promotional_material, packaging
5. pitch - noun
· degree of deviation from a horizontal plane; "the roof had a steep pitch"
6. pitch - noun
· any of various dark heavy viscid substances obtained as a residue
Synonym(s): tar
Hypernym(s): bitumen
7. pitch - noun
· a sports field with predetermined dimensions for playing soccer
Synonym(s): soccer_field
Hypernym(s): playing_field, athletic_field, playing_area, field
8. pitch - noun
· a high approach shot in golf
Synonym(s): pitch_shot
Hypernym(s): approach, approach_shot
9. pitch - noun
· an all-fours game in which the first card led is a trump
Synonym(s): auction_pitch
Hypernym(s): all_fours, high-low-jack
10. pitch - noun
· abrupt up-and-down motion (as caused by a ship or other conveyance); "the pitching and tossing was quite exciting"
Hypernym(s): motion, movement, move, motility
11. pitch - noun
· the action or manner of throwing something; "his pitch fell short and his hat landed on the floor"
Hypernym(s): throw
12. pitch - verb
· throw or toss with a light motion; "flip me the beachball"; "toss me newspaper"
Hypernym(s): fling
13. pitch - verb
· move abruptly; "The ship suddenly lurched to the left"
Hypernym(s): move
14. pitch - verb
· fall or plunge forward; "She pitched over the railing of the balcony"
Hypernym(s): descend, fall, go_down, come_down
15. pitch - verb
· set to a certain pitch; "He pitched his voice very low"
Hypernym(s): set
16. pitch - verb
· sell or offer for sale from place to place
Synonym(s): peddle, monger, huckster, hawk, vend
Hypernym(s): deal, sell, trade
17. pitch - verb
· be at an angle; "The terrain sloped down"
Hypernym(s): lean, tilt, tip, slant, angle
18. pitch - verb
· heel over; "The tower is tilting"; "The ceiling is slanting"
Synonym(s): cant, cant_over, tilt, slant
Hypernym(s): move
19. pitch - verb
· erect and fasten; "pitch a tent"
Synonym(s): set_up
20. pitch - verb
· throw or hurl from the mound to the batter, as in baseball; "The pitcher delivered the ball"
Synonym(s): deliver
Hypernym(s): throw
21. pitch - verb
· hit (a golf ball) in a high arc with a backspin
Hypernym(s): hit
22. pitch - verb
· lead (a card) and establish the trump suit
Hypernym(s): play
23. pitch - verb
· set the level or character of; "She pitched her speech to the teenagers in the audience"
Synonym(s): gear
Hypernym(s): adapt, accommodate
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