1. deal - noun
· a particular instance of buying or selling; "it was a package deal"; "I had no further trade with him"; "he's a master of the business deal"
Synonym(s): trade, business_deal
Hypernym(s): transaction, dealing, dealings
2. deal - noun
· an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each; "he made a bargain with the devil"; "he rose to prominence through a series of shady deals"
Synonym(s): bargain
Hypernym(s): agreement, understanding
3. deal - noun
· (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent; "a batch of letters"; "a deal of trouble"; "a lot of money"; "he made a mint on the stock market"; "see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos"; "it must have cost plenty"; "a slew of journalists"; "a wad of money"
Synonym(s): batch, flock, good_deal, great_deal, hatful, heap, lot, mass, mess, mickle, mint, mountain, muckle, passel, peck, pile, plenty, pot, quite_a_little, raft, sight, slew, spate, stack, tidy_sum, wad
Hypernym(s): large_indefinite_quantity, large_indefinite_amount
4. deal - noun
· a plank of softwood (fir or pine board)
5. deal - noun
· wood that is easy to saw (from conifers such as pine or fir)
Synonym(s): softwood
Hypernym(s): wood
6. deal - noun
· the cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time; "I didn't hold a good hand all evening"; "he kept trying to see my hand"
Synonym(s): hand
Hypernym(s): collection, aggregation, accumulation, assemblage
7. deal - noun
· the type of treatment received (especially as the result of an agreement); "he got a good deal on his car"
Hypernym(s): result, resultant, final_result, outcome, termination
8. deal - noun
· the act of distributing playing cards; "the deal was passed around the table clockwise"
Hypernym(s): distribution
9. deal - noun
· the act of apportioning or distributing something; "the captain was entrusted with the deal of provisions"
Hypernym(s): allotment, apportionment, apportioning, allocation, parceling, parcelling, assignation
10. deal - verb
· act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression; "This book deals with incest"; "The course covered all of Western Civilization"; "The new book treats the history of China"
Synonym(s): cover, treat, handle, plow, address
11. deal - verb
· take into consideration for exemplifying purposes; "Take the case of China"; "Consider the following case"
Synonym(s): consider, take, look_at
Hypernym(s): think_about
12. deal - verb
· take action with respect to (someone or something); "How are we going to deal with this problem?"; "The teacher knew how to deal with these lazy students"
13. deal - verb
· succeed in doing, achieving, or producing (something) with the limited or inadequate means available; "We got by on just a gallon of gas"; "They made do on half a loaf of bread every day"
Synonym(s): cope, get_by, make_out, make_do, contend, grapple, manage
14. deal - verb
· administer or bestow, as in small portions; "administer critical remarks to everyone present"; "dole out some money"; "shell out pocket money for the children"; "deal a blow to someone"; "the machine dispenses soft drinks"
Synonym(s): distribute, administer, mete_out, parcel_out, lot, dispense, shell_out, deal_out, dish_out, allot, dole_out
Hypernym(s): give
15. deal - verb
· do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood; "She deals in gold"; "The brothers sell shoes"
Hypernym(s): transact
16. deal - verb
· be in charge of, act on, or dispose of; "I can deal with this crew of workers"; "This blender can't handle nuts"; "She managed her parents' affairs after they got too old"
Synonym(s): manage, care, handle
17. deal - verb
· behave in a certain way towards others; "He deals fairly with his employees"
Hypernym(s): behave, acquit, bear, deport, conduct, comport, carry
18. deal - verb
· distribute cards to the players in a game; "Who's dealing?"
Hypernym(s): distribute, administer, mete_out, deal, parcel_out, lot, dispense, shell_out, deal_out, dish_out, allot, dole_out
19. deal - verb
· direct the course of; manage or control; "You cannot conduct business like this"
Hypernym(s): manage, deal, care, handle
20. deal - verb
· give out as one's portion or share
Synonym(s): share, divvy_up, portion_out, apportion
Hypernym(s): distribute, give_out, hand_out, pass_out
21. deal - verb
· give (a specific card) to a player; "He dealt me the Queen of Spades"
Hypernym(s): pass, hand, reach, pass_on, turn_over, give
22. deal - verb
· sell; "deal hashish"
Hypernym(s): deal, sell, trade
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