1. show - noun
· the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining; "a remarkable show of skill"
Hypernym(s): entertainment, amusement
2. show - noun
· something intended to communicate a particular impression; "made a display of strength"; "a show of impatience"; "a good show of looking interested"
Synonym(s): display
Hypernym(s): demonstration, demo
3. show - noun
· a social event involving a public performance or entertainment; "they wanted to see some of the shows on Broadway"
Hypernym(s): social_event
4. show - noun
· pretending that something is the case in order to make a good impression; "they try to keep up appearances"; "that ceremony is just for show"
Synonym(s): appearance
Hypernym(s): pretense, pretence, pretending, simulation, feigning
5. show - verb
· give an exhibition of to an interested audience; "She shows her dogs frequently"; "We will demo the new software in Washington"
Synonym(s): demo, exhibit, present, demonstrate
Hypernym(s): show
6. show - verb
· establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment; "The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound"; "The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture"
Synonym(s): prove, demonstrate, establish, shew
Hypernym(s): confirm, corroborate, sustain, substantiate, support, affirm
7. show - verb
· provide evidence for; "The blood test showed that he was the father"; "Her behavior testified to her incompetence"
Synonym(s): testify, bear_witness, prove, evidence
Hypernym(s): inform
8. show - verb
· make visible or noticeable; "She showed her talent for cooking"; "Show me your etchings, please"
Antonym(s): hide
9. show - verb
· show in, or as in, a picture; "This scene depicts country life"; "the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting"
Synonym(s): picture, depict, render
Hypernym(s): represent, interpret
10. show - verb
· give expression to; "She showed her disappointment"
Hypernym(s): convey
11. show - verb
· indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively; "I showed the customer the glove section"; "He pointed to the empty parking space"; "he indicated his opponents"
Synonym(s): indicate, point, designate
Hypernym(s): inform
12. show - verb
· be or become visible or noticeable; "His good upbringing really shows"; "The dirty side will show"
Synonym(s): show_up
Hypernym(s): appear
13. show - verb
· indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments; "The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero"; "The gauge read `empty'"
Synonym(s): read, register, record
Hypernym(s): indicate
14. show - verb
· give evidence of, as of records; "The diary shows his distress that evening"
Hypernym(s): read, register, show, record
15. show - verb
· take (someone) to their seats, as in theaters or auditoriums; "The usher showed us to our seats"
Synonym(s): usher
Hypernym(s): lead, take, direct, conduct, guide
16. show - verb
· finish third or better in a horse or dog race; "he bet $2 on number six to show"
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