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Dictionary Results for thrill

1. thrill - noun

· the swift release of a store of affective force; "they got a great bang out of it"; "what a boot!"; "he got a quick rush from injecting heroin"; "he does it for kicks"

Synonym(s): bang, boot, charge, rush, flush, kick

Hypernym(s): exhilaration, excitement

2. thrill - noun

· an almost pleasurable sensation of fright; "a frisson of surprise shot through him"

Synonym(s): frisson, shiver, chill, quiver, shudder, tingle

Hypernym(s): fear, fearfulness, fright

3. thrill - noun

· something that causes you to experience a sudden intense feeling or sensation; "the thrills of space travel"

Hypernym(s): excitation, excitement

4. thrill - verb

· cause to be thrilled by some perceptual input; "The men were thrilled by a loud whistle blow"

Hypernym(s): stimulate, excite, stir

5. thrill - verb

· feel sudden intense sensation or emotion; "he was thrilled by the speed and the roar of the engine"

Synonym(s): tickle, vibrate

Hypernym(s): stimulate, shake, shake_up, excite, stir

6. thrill - verb

· tremble convulsively, as from fear or excitement

Synonym(s): shudder, shiver, throb

Hypernym(s): tremble

7. thrill - verb

· fill with sublime emotion; "The children were thrilled at the prospect of going to the movies"; "He was inebriated by his phenomenal success"

Synonym(s): exhilarate, tickle_pink, inebriate, exalt, beatify

Hypernym(s): elate, lift_up, uplift, pick_up, intoxicate

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