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Dictionary Results for plant

1. plant - noun

· buildings for carrying on industrial labor; "they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles"

Synonym(s): works, industrial_plant

Hypernym(s): building_complex, complex

2. plant - noun

· (botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion

Synonym(s): flora, plant_life

Hypernym(s): organism, being

3. plant - noun

· an actor situated in the audience whose acting is rehearsed but seems spontaneous to the audience

Hypernym(s): actor, histrion, player, thespian, role_player

4. plant - noun

· something planted secretly for discovery by another; "the police used a plant to trick the thieves"; "he claimed that the evidence against him was a plant"

Hypernym(s): contrivance, stratagem, dodge

5. plant - verb

· put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground; "Let's plant flowers in the garden"

Synonym(s): set

Hypernym(s): put, set, place, pose, position, lay

6. plant - verb

· fix or set securely or deeply; "He planted a knee in the back of his opponent"; "The dentist implanted a tooth in the gum"

Synonym(s): implant, engraft, embed, imbed

Hypernym(s): insert, infix, enter, introduce

7. plant - verb

· set up or lay the groundwork for; "establish a new department"

Synonym(s): establish, found, constitute, institute

Hypernym(s): initiate, pioneer

8. plant - verb

· place into a river; "plant fish"

Hypernym(s): stock

9. plant - verb

· place something or someone in a certain position in order to secretly observe or deceive; "Plant a spy in Moscow"; "plant bugs in the dissident's apartment"

Hypernym(s): put, set, place, pose, position, lay

10. plant - verb

· put firmly in the mind; "Plant a thought in the students' minds"

Synonym(s): implant

Hypernym(s): communicate, pass_on, pass, pass_along, put_across

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