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Dictionary Results for laps

1. lap - noun

· the upper side of the thighs of a seated person; "he picked up the little girl and plopped her down in his lap"

Hypernym(s): thigh

2. lap - noun

· an area of control or responsibility; "the job fell right in my lap"

Hypernym(s): sphere, domain, area, orbit, field, arena

3. lap - noun

· the part of a piece of clothing that covers the thighs; "his lap was covered with food stains"

Synonym(s): lap_covering

Hypernym(s): cloth_covering

4. lap - noun

· a flap that lies over another part; "the lap of the shingles should be at least ten inches"

Synonym(s): overlap

Hypernym(s): flap

5. lap - noun

· movement once around a course; "he drove an extra lap just for insurance"

Synonym(s): circle, circuit

Hypernym(s): locomotion, travel

6. lap - noun

· touching with the tongue; "the dog's laps were warm and wet"

Synonym(s): lick

Hypernym(s): touch, touching

7. lap - verb

· lie partly over or alongside of something or of one another

Hypernym(s): lie

8. lap - verb

· pass the tongue over; "the dog licked her hand"

Synonym(s): lick

Hypernym(s): stroke

9. lap - verb

· move with or cause to move with a whistling or hissing sound; "The bubbles swoshed around in the glass"; "The curtain swooshed open"

Synonym(s): swish, swosh, swoosh

Hypernym(s): sound, go

10. lap - verb

· take up with the tongue; "The cat lapped up the milk"; "the cub licked the milk from its mother's breast"

Synonym(s): lap_up, lick

Hypernym(s): drink, imbibe

11. lap - verb

· wash or flow against; "the waves laved the shore"

Synonym(s): lave, wash

Hypernym(s): flow

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