1. seize - verb
· take hold of; grab; "The sales clerk quickly seized the money on the counter"; "She clutched her purse"; "The mother seized her child by the arm"; "Birds of prey often seize small mammals"
Hypernym(s): take, get_hold_of
2. seize - verb
· take or capture by force; "The terrorists seized the politicians"; "The rebels threaten to seize civilian hostages"
Hypernym(s): take, get_hold_of
3. seize - verb
· take possession of by force, as after an invasion; "the invaders seized the land and property of the inhabitants"; "The army seized the town"; "The militia captured the castle"
Synonym(s): appropriate, capture, conquer
Hypernym(s): assume, usurp, seize, take_over, arrogate
4. seize - verb
· take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority; "The FBI seized the drugs"; "The customs agents impounded the illegal shipment"; "The police confiscated the stolen artwork"
Synonym(s): impound, attach, sequester, confiscate
Hypernym(s): take
5. seize - verb
· seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession; "He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town"; "he usurped my rights"; "She seized control of the throne after her husband died"
Synonym(s): assume, usurp, take_over, arrogate
Hypernym(s): take
6. seize - verb
· hook by a pull on the line; "strike a fish"
Hypernym(s): hook
7. seize - verb
· affect; "Fear seized the prisoners"; "The patient was seized with unbearable pains"; "He was seized with a dreadful disease"
Synonym(s): clutch, get_hold_of
Hypernym(s): overwhelm, overpower, sweep_over, whelm, overcome, overtake
8. seize - verb
· capture the attention or imagination of; "This story will grab you"; "The movie seized my imagination"
Synonym(s): grab
Hypernym(s): intrigue, fascinate
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