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Dictionary Results for old

1. old - noun

· past times (especially in the phrase `in days of old')

Hypernym(s): past, past_times, yesteryear

2. old - adjective

· (used especially of persons) having lived for a relatively long time or attained a specific age; "his mother is very old"; "a ripe old age"; "how old are you?"

Antonym(s): young

3. old - adjective

· of long duration; not new; "old tradition"; "old house"; "old wine"; "old country"; "old friendships"; "old money"

Antonym(s): new

4. old - adjective

· (used for emphasis) very familiar; "good old boy"; "same old story"

5. old - adjective

· skilled through long experience; "an old offender"; "the older soldiers"

Synonym(s): older

6. old - adjective

· belonging to some prior time; "erstwhile friend"; "our former glory"; "the once capital of the state"; "her quondam lover"

Synonym(s): erstwhile, former, onetime, one-time, quondam, sometime

7. old - adjective

· very good; "he did a bully job"; "a neat sports car"; "had a great time at the party"; "you look simply smashing"; "we had a grand old time"

Synonym(s): bang-up, bully, corking, cracking, dandy, great, groovy, keen, neat, nifty, not_bad, peachy, slap-up, swell, smashing

8. old - adjective

· of a very early stage in development; "Old English is also called Anglo Saxon"; "Old High German is High German from the middle of the 9th to the end of the 11th century"

Synonym(s): Old

9. old - adjective

· just preceding something else in time or order; "the previous owner"; "my old house was larger"

Synonym(s): previous

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