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Dictionary Results for brush

1. brush - noun

· a dense growth of bushes

Synonym(s): brushwood, coppice, copse, thicket

Hypernym(s): vegetation, flora, botany

2. brush - noun

· an implement that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle

Hypernym(s): implement

3. brush - noun

· momentary contact

Synonym(s): light_touch

Hypernym(s): touch, touching

4. brush - noun

· conducts current between rotating and stationary parts of a generator or motor

Hypernym(s): electrical_device

5. brush - noun

· a bushy tail or part of a bushy tail (especially of the fox)

Hypernym(s): tail

6. brush - noun

· a minor short-term fight

Synonym(s): clash, encounter, skirmish

Hypernym(s): fight, fighting, combat, scrap

7. brush - noun

· the act of brushing your teeth; "the dentist recommended two brushes a day"

Synonym(s): brushing

Hypernym(s): dental_care

8. brush - noun

· the act of brushing your hair; "he gave his hair a quick brush"

Synonym(s): brushing

Hypernym(s): hair_care, haircare, hairdressing

9. brush - noun

· contact with something dangerous or undesirable; "I had a brush with danger on my way to work"; "he tried to avoid any brushes with the police"

Hypernym(s): contact

10. brush - verb

· rub with a brush, or as if with a brush; "Johnson brushed the hairs from his jacket"

Hypernym(s): rub

11. brush - verb

· touch lightly and briefly; "He brushed the wall lightly"

Hypernym(s): touch

12. brush - verb

· clean with a brush; "She brushed the suit before hanging it back into the closet"

Hypernym(s): clean, make_clean

13. brush - verb

· sweep across or over; "Her long skirt brushed the floor"; "A gasp swept cross the audience"

Synonym(s): sweep

Hypernym(s): move

14. brush - verb

· remove with or as if with a brush; "brush away the crumbs"; "brush the dust from the jacket"; "brush aside the objections"

Hypernym(s): remove, take, take_away, withdraw

15. brush - verb

· cover by brushing; "brush the bread with melted butter"

Hypernym(s): cover

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