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Dictionary Results for weight

1. weight - noun

· the vertical force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity

Hypernym(s): physical_property

2. weight - noun

· sports equipment used in calisthenic exercises and weightlifting; it is not attached to anything and is raised and lowered by use of the hands and arms

Synonym(s): free_weight, exercising_weight

Hypernym(s): sports_equipment

3. weight - noun

· the relative importance granted to something; "his opinion carries great weight"; "the progression implied an increasing weightiness of the items listed"

Synonym(s): weightiness

Hypernym(s): importance

4. weight - noun

· an artifact that is heavy

Hypernym(s): artifact, artefact

5. weight - noun

· an oppressive feeling of heavy force; "bowed down by the weight of responsibility"

Hypernym(s): oppression, oppressiveness

6. weight - noun

· a system of units used to express the weight of something

Synonym(s): system_of_weights

Hypernym(s): system_of_measurement, metric

7. weight - noun

· a unit used to measure weight; "he placed two weights in the scale pan"

Synonym(s): weight_unit

Hypernym(s): unit_of_measurement, unit

8. weight - noun

· (statistics) a coefficient assigned to elements of a frequency distribution in order to represent their relative importance

Synonym(s): weighting

Hypernym(s): coefficient

9. weight - verb

· weight down with a load

Synonym(s): burden, burthen, weight_down

Hypernym(s): charge

10. weight - verb

· present with a bias; "He biased his presentation so as to please the share holders"

Synonym(s): slant, angle

Hypernym(s): bias, predetermine

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