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Dictionary Results for delineate

1. delineate - verb

· show the form or outline of; "The tree was clearly defined by the light"; "The camera could define the smallest object"

Synonym(s): define

Hypernym(s): show

2. delineate - verb

· determine the essential quality of

Synonym(s): specify, define, delimit, delimitate

Hypernym(s): be

3. delineate - verb

· trace the shape of

Synonym(s): limn, outline

Hypernym(s): draw

4. delineate - verb

· make a mark or lines on a surface; "draw a line"; "trace the outline of a figure in the sand"

Synonym(s): trace, draw, line, describe

Hypernym(s): mark

5. delineate - verb

· describe in vivid detail

Hypernym(s): describe, depict, draw

6. delineate - adjective

· represented accurately or precisely

Synonym(s): delineated, represented

Antonym(s): undelineated

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