1. secure - verb
· get by special effort; "He procured extra cigarettes even though they were rationed"
Synonym(s): procure
Hypernym(s): obtain
2. secure - verb
· cause to be firmly attached; "fasten the lock onto the door"; "she fixed her gaze on the man"
Hypernym(s): attach
3. secure - verb
· assure payment of
4. secure - verb
· make certain of; "This nest egg will ensure a nice retirement for us"; "Preparation will guarantee success!"
Synonym(s): guarantee, ensure, insure, assure
5. secure - verb
· fill or close tightly with or as if with a plug; "plug the hole"; "stop up the leak"
6. secure - verb
· furnish with battens; "batten ships"
Synonym(s): batten, batten_down
Hypernym(s): strengthen, beef_up, fortify
7. secure - adjective
· free from fear or doubt; easy in mind; "he was secure that nothing will be held against him"
Synonym(s): unafraid, untroubled
Antonym(s): insecure
8. secure - adjective
· free from danger or risk; "secure from harm"; "his fortune was secure"; "made a secure place for himself in his field"
Antonym(s): insecure
9. secure - adjective
· not likely to fail or give way; "the lock was secure"; "a secure foundation"; "a secure hold on her wrist"
Antonym(s): insecure
10. secure - adjective
· immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with; "an impregnable fortress"; "fortifications that made the frontier inviolable"; "a secure telephone connection"
Synonym(s): impregnable, inviolable, strong, unassailable, unattackable
11. secure - adjective
· financially safe; "a good investment"; "a secure investment"
Synonym(s): dependable, good, safe
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